Montag, 5. Januar 2015

Zitat #007

"See? It's still whole.
I dunno who you are, or whose pirate flag this is...
But this is a flag that you pledge your life to!
You don't raise it as decoration!
It's not a flag that someone like you can just laugh at or destroy!!!"
- Ruffy zu Wapol, nachdem dieser Doc Baders Piratenflagge beschoss

Quelle: Englische Übersetzung aus dem Film "Chopper und das Wunder der Winterkirschblüte"

"Look. You can't destroy it.
I don't know whose pirate flag this ist, or where it's from...
But this is a flag you pledge your life to.
You don't fly it as a joke!
This isn't a flag you can break down and laugh at!!"
- Ruffy zu Wapol, nachdem dieser Doc Baders Piratenflagge beschoss

Quelle: Englische Übersetzung des japanischen Anime, Episode 87

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